Racing Thoughts

As I sit here I watch the rain coming down. As I look above into the sky I can see gloomy and grey clouds that produce the rain that is falling from the sky that is making my day much sadder than it already is. There’s not much more hope out the window as you can see. The clouds hang overhead, heavy with a puffy white and grey look to them waiting to unleash tears of rain from their clouds that they hold onto. Once the clouds unleash it the rain comes down, drowning the ground with their tears of sorrow from heaven above. It’s making my day more gray than it was before I awoke from my night sleep. The weather outside is how my soul inside feels right know. Drowning in the rain that is washing out the ground below it. Drowning with the rain falling upon me, flooding my thoughts with so much misery that I just want it to wash them all away so that they would be gone. I wouldn’t have to deal with these racing thoughts anymore. I could be free like the sun coming out after the rain has done its business and gone on its way. Like it had not a care in the world what it had just done. I am hoping that my thoughts would quickly run out of me as fast as the rain descends upon the earth with little effect. Be gone from me and I would not have to worry about them anymore. As the rain stops the silence creeps in, you only hear maybe a sound of a bird flying high above you. Peaceful sounds, no more thoughts racing through my mind. Like the rain come and gone. My thoughts are there for a moment and then they are gone. I get to sit for a moment of peace, take in a deep breath and enjoy the silence for a brief moment. Then like the clouds move through the sky and the rain returns my thoughts are back and that peaceful moment is gone. The sound of the rain coming down faster and harder, the voices on my head keep coming faster. There is no way escaping them you just have to live with them. Learning to deal with them as they come to play in your head. No you’re not losing your marbles, they are there. There is nothing wrong with us. We cannot get away from who we are. We have to learn to face reality, that this our mind and we’re stuck with it. We either learn to cope with it in our lives or we allow it to take us over to manipulate us to where we allow ourselves to be consumed by racing thoughts. I can allow my racing thoughts to control the person I am and eventually allow them to take my life.The rain comes and goes we have no control over the weather, it does what it does. Life itself we do have control over. I can choose to live in the gray area in my life and allow them to run my life for me or I can choose to do something about them. So what am I going to do about these gray days that I have? I am going to come out like the sun does every day after the rain comes and rise to the occasion. We can remember that our days are numbered here on earth and try to live our lives to the fullest or we can choose to allow our thoughts to take over and control us. When those gloomy days fall upon us it will be up to us to decide if we are going to allow those thoughts to control us, to make us feel sorry for ourselves or we can look ahead and see what God made us to be in this world. To see and believe that we can be more than what our thoughts are telling us that we are or can be. If we can only find the faith in His love for us. That He wants what is best for us. We have to believe in ourselves before He will help us the rest of the way. So what is it going to be? Gloomy and gray rainy days or sunny and bright days ahead for you here on out? Your choice. I know what I have chosen for myself, it is time for you to choose for yourself what you are going to allow your racing thoughts do with your life. Written By: L.A. White

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L.A. White Author

Married to a wonderful lady who I love so much. She is my world. Love the Outdoors, Sports, read books, paint, draw and wood working. Enjoy life as it is. I also found a passion in writing which I never thought I had until now.

2 thoughts on “Racing Thoughts”

  1. I never tried hot chocolate before unless I am eating a cookie with chocolate chips in them, or s’mores I cooked over a open fire camping. Never thought about chocolate in a time when racing thoughts that come to my head. I have remember this the moment my race thoughts kick in.


  2. Sarah Dunster I never thought of hot chocolate when I get racing thoughts. Maybe next I will have to try this and see how it works for me. I usually just grab my journal and just jot down those thoughts I am having to sort through them to get them of my mind.


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